tisdag 1 mars 2022

Europe's leader! do something now! Stop the insane war! before it is too late

 How long will the world last! wait! how long will the world's leaders hide behind! sanctions big words and donations! this is extraordinarily honorable !,

But the people of Ukraine now need help! before an entire people and country is wiped out, the war has already begun! Wake up now before it's too late. Europe is already involved in the war! to set foot now and show Russia that Europe does not tolerate this unforgivable abuse of an independent and functioning country. What happens to warring troops to help Ukraine's army, no one knows! But to let a country take the burden of the whole of Europe on its own shoulders! is that really right !. Europe's leaders and countries are now taking a real grip on events, What if a foreign country stood on the threshold of your country! and trampled over it and bombed himself forward! To help and protect Ukraine actively in the country is also to protect and help Europe from something that would be extremely dangerous for all citizens of the European continent. Show who decides! show that a few lunatics can not do what they want and with violence and abuse and mutilation can rule the world as they do now

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